Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 17

I got up early this morning to take my friend, who isn't nameless but prefers anonymity, to catch a shuttle bus to Albuerqueque, where she hop-skipped flights back to Tennessee. She made it home safely, she called this evening to tell me so. I was sad to see her go, but Jiffy was happy to reclaim his spot on the front seat.

I took pictures of the oldest church in Santa Fe, then went to a fairly new church, where the worship and praise singing was very much like my home church, Celebration. It is interesting to me that this last Sunday of my trip is the only one that I was a total stranger to the church. God has done such amazing things, given me such a new picture of many facets of my life and relationship to Him.

This evening's stopping place is Amarillo, Texas. I remembered seeing mountains to the Northwest when I was here last, but was disappointed that I couldn't see them this time. Atmospheric conditions, I guess, or maybe I remembered the wrong town.

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