Saturday, April 25, 2009

Continued Details, Divine Appt. in Peoria

Friday, April 24 There was another houseguest at Dave & Laura's house when I arrived last night. I had met him before, at their wedding. This morning, I found out why he is here. His daughters, three of them, live with their mother and three younger half-brothers/sisters. One of the girls reported sexual abuse by the mother's husband, that has been going on for two or three years. Their friend had driven from where he now lives for almost two days to fill out paperwork to get his girls released to him, but was not getting any return calls when he got here. I prayed for him, that God would allow him to gain custody of the girls and remove them from the situation. Laura told me that she and Dave have applied for Foster Parent status, and although they are not fully certified, the caseworker asked if the three younger ones might come to their house, when the time came. That time came later in the morning. The police were going to arrest the man, and his wife for not telling about it, even though she knew. Laura had to go fill out paperwork, so Wyatt, my 16 year old grandson, and I went to Goodwill and bought sheets to make up inflatable beds that friends from the foster parent association were bringing over. The full facts are, by 6:30 this evening, we had 7 children, 4 adults and 4 dogs in residence. Laura is getting a lot of flack from her mother. Laura is also torn emotionally about the children, who don't know yet that they will soon be separated into two or three groups. The house is stuffed, with wall to wall sleepers at night. I have been counseling and praying for Laura, Dave, and all the children. All the legalities will happen, hopefully soon, at the beginning of the week.

I feel that God has put me here, partly because of my long experience as a foster parent, to help the family physically, helping cook and clean up dishes, but more importantly to pray for them and to be an emotional anchor. (I'm also privately beginning to think it might be more dangerous to pray for Divine Appointments than to pray for patience!) Will you all help me to pray for God's direction and peace for this family?

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jean, what an answer to our prayers. And you're right - they are more dangerous but also more fulfilling and glorifying to God. You are glorifying HIM, my sweet, sister.

    By the way, you were not in contact with the swine flu while in Mexico, were you? Please be careful. We're all praying for your health!!

    Love you!
